Friday, January 03, 2014

Florida Medical Center January Events - Health Screenings

Here is a sneak peak of our January events!
Save the Date!

We have extended our heart healthy screenings for two days in January.

Screening includes: glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL. Patients should fast, nothing to eat or drink (except water) after midnight the night before the screening. Reservations are required.

Please call
1-866-498-LIFE (5433)
to make a reservation.
1-866-498-LIFE (5433)
for your free band aid dispenser!

Starting January, we will be offering AARP driver safety courses
This class is designed to help older drivers improve their overall
driving skills. No actual driving is done during class. By completing this course, you may qualify for discounts with your insurance company.

For more information on class dates and times please call
1-866-498-LIFE (5433).

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