Friday, July 25, 2014

Lauderhill Web Site received "2014 Hermes Gold Winner Award"

The City of Lauderhill has received the “2014 Hermes Gold Winner Award” for Overall Government Website Design from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP).

Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. This international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production, and website professionals. The Association oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and sets standards for excellence.

The Hermes Creative Award competition is highly respected in the industry and has grown to one of the largest of its kind in the world. A look at the winners varies from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies.

The Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) began in 1995 as a means to honor outstanding achievement and service to communication professionals. As part of its mission, AMCP fosters and supports the efforts of marketing and communication professionals who contribute their unique talents to public service and charitable organizations. (

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