Saturday, August 09, 2014

Mayor's Goals For the Next 12 Months

Over the next 12 months, Mayor Kaplan has set many personal goals in the City of Lauderhill which are all in different stages of development.  The following is a partial list:

1)  7th Season of Jazz Picnic in the Park - December through April
2)  3rd Season of Tribute Concerts (Beatles and Journey) - February and March
3)  Anti-Bully Project with Lauderhill 6-12 School
4)  Kids of Character Pizza Party with Royal Palm Elementary and adding another school - December and May
5)  Science in the Classroom Program with Dupont, to be held at all Lauderhill Elementary Schools - 1st Qtr 2015
6)  Expanding Interest Free Energy Loans to Commercial Properties - 2014
7)  Passing legislation requiring Contractors with the city to pay a Minimum Wage of $10.10 to their Employees - 2014
8)  Regional Chess Tournament for under 18 years of age - March
9)  Completion of "Guide to the City of Lauderhill" and distribution - December/January
10)  Completion of Early Childhood Programs Brochure for Parents to teach their children from birth to 5 years of age, in conjunction with Vroom and the Bezos Family Foundation - 2014
11)  Design and prepare to distribute a new Tell the Mayor Survey specifically on Economic Development, use of Social Media, and use of recreational facilities - Results in March
12)  Release the 2015 Lauderhill College Essay Scholarship and raise $1000 to fund it - November through February
13)  Launch the Lauderhill Mobile App
14)  Launch the Economic Development LoopLink to allow users to search commercial properties in Lauderhill through the City’s website

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