Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Notes of Commission Regular Workshop of March 16

On March 16, the Commission held its monthly workshop, and the following are notes of interest:

EVALUATION FORMS OF CHARTERED OFFICERS AND SND ATTORNEY (REQUESTED BY MAYOR RICHARD KAPLAN) - The Commission is working on updating and improving the annual evaluation forms used by the city.

REVIEW OF CHARTER AND PRIVATE SCHOOL REGULATIONS (REQUESTED BY MAYOR RICHARD KAPLAN). - A draft of the new Charter and Private School Regulations (for which there is presently a moratorium on such facilities until June) were reviewed by the Commission.  Beyond what the new draft provides, several suggestions were given to address concerns on ingress/egress to the facility, providing safety concerns before and after school, and using standardize facility safety regulations of the State.  A new draft will be prepared and submitted to the Local Planning Agency.   Once the LPA reviews, approves, approves with modifications, or give other guidance, it will be presented to the Commission for further discussion and voting.  A new ordinance is expected to be in place no later than June.  Several members of the public expressed support about the proposal as well as Commissioners.

DISCUSSION OF INCENTIVES / INITIATIVES TO BE OFFERED TO HELP SECURE THE PROPOSED JAMAICAN CULTURAL AND RESOURCE CENTER (REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER HOWARD BERGER). - No specific proposals were proposed but a request to inquire with the organizers of the Center of what their needs are in a facility.  Then staff is to see whether we have available property within the city to meet those criteria.  If we don't have any property that satisfies their needs, then no further direction is provided.

DISCUSSION ON RESTRICTING CHILDREN PLAYING IN THE STREETS AFTER DARK (REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER HOWARD BERGER). - After discussion, it was expressed that there are sufficient State and City laws that address this situation and no additional proposals for new laws were pursued further.

DISCUSS C51 RESERVOIR (REQUESTED BY CITY MANAGER CHARLES FARANDA).  - This is being looked at as a less expensive alternative to building an expensive water treatment plant to increase the City's capacity.  A study will have to be conducted as to whether the reservoir would actually succeed in increasing the water flow to Lauderhill to be able to draw on it.

DISCUSS FUNDING CITY CENTERS/PAC (REQUESTED BY CITY MANAGER CHARLES FARANDA).  - A presentation was made to show how the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center will be financially supported since it is projected to initially run at a loss once opened.  As part of the presentation, revenues will also be raised to assist in creating a downtown business district (441), midtown business district (Oakland Park Blvd.) and uptown business district (Commercial and University Drive).

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