Sunday, June 18, 2006

Notes of the Commission Meeting, Workshop and CRA Meeting of 6/12/06

On June 12, 2006, the City Commission met, for what is expected to be the last time at the Sadkin Center, before moving into the new City Hall, for a CRA Meeting, Special Workshop and its Regular Commission Meeting.

At the CRA Meeting, the following matters were covered:

1) Discussion on expanding the CRA District along 441 to include those business districts along 31st Ave., Sunrise Blvd. and Broward Blvd.

2) A report on property acquisitions, especially in light of the new restrictions upon cities to use eminent domain for redevelopment in Florida.

At the Special Workshop, the following was discussed:

1) A review of a resolution to create policy for installing speed humps in the city, sponsored by Mayor Kaplan. The city has such a unwritten policy, but this was proposed to have it reduced into writing so that the policy is consistently followed.

2) Review of 3 Resolutions providing approval to Broward County for the development of the Central Regional Park.

3) Issues related to Water and Sewer in newly annexed area were reviewed, and our position as it relates to Broward County who owns the system there.

At the Regular Commission Meeting, the following matters were acted upon:

1) First Reading:
a) Creation of a Charter Review Board to begin Nov. 2006 and finish by May 2008;
b) Adding additional penalties to those who fail to pay water bills or illegally bypass, modify or connect to the city water system without authorization from the city.

2) Second/Final Reading:
a) Approved a $10,000,000 Line of Credit to finance certain projects as listed in the city's 5 year capital improvement program and/or CRA program.
b) Approved significant penalties created by riders of motor scooters, and similar vehicles from operating in city rights of ways/street, if the vehicle does not possess a Florida License Plate and is operated by a unlicensed driver. Sponsored by Mayor Kaplan.
c) Approved the Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME.

3) Resolutions:

a) Approved the expenditure of funds to repair canal banks.
b) Purchase of new police vehicles.

4) Other Matters:

a) Established the Summer Schedule for Commission Meetings and Budget Workshops (to be in a separate posting)
b) Moved a Resolution onto the Regular Workshop Meeting of June 19, and scheduled a Special Commission Meeting to be following immediately to pass the Resolution

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