Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Schools Receive Their Report Card

The FCAT results are in, and the schools have been graded. Many have shown significant improvement, the greatest by the Smart School Charter Middle School, who went from a D to an A. The following is a list of the schools serving Lauderhill students, and their grade. For each "*" indicates an increase of one letter grade from last year:

Banyan A
Broward Estates B
Castle C
Challenger A
Endeavor No Grade
Larkdale C**
Lauderhill Paul Turner A**
Martin Luther King C
Nova Blanche Forman A*
Nova Eisenhower A
Park Lakes B*
Royal Palm C
Village B*

Lauderhill C
Millenium A*
Nova Middle A
Smart School A***
Westpine A*

Dillard C*
Nova A
Piper C

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