Friday, July 14, 2006

Notes of the Commission Meeting of 7/10/06

The Lauderhill City Commission met on July 10, 2006, and some of the items of interest on the agenda that were acted upon were:

First Reading - Ordinances:

1) Tabled to workshop an ordinance revising the Dog and Cat Ordinance;
2) Tabled to the next meeting ordinances to eventually prohibit Fortune Tellers to operate as a business in Lauderhill;
3) Passed on first reading the creation of a Transit Oriented Corridor on State Road 7;
4) Passed on first reading imposing a 90 day moratorium on specific land uses to allow time to review such land use applications before property can be developed in such matters (second reading expected to be at a Special Commission Meeting on July 31 at 5:30 PM);
5) Passed on first reading to several ordinance to reclassify canals as open space and recreational throughout areas of the city.


1) Re-appoint Alfreda D. Coward, Esq. to the General Employee Pension Board;
2) Approving a State Road 7 Bus Shelter Reimbursement Agreement, accepting a $150,000 grant for construction of 4 bus shelters;
3) Approved budgeting of $841,700 in CDBG Funds to various projects for the next year. Funds are allocated as follows:
a) Code Enforcement (5 officers in specific census tracts) - $177,000
b) Roadway/drainage improvements to 56th Ave - $150,000
c) Park improvements to St. George Park - $20,105
d) First Time Home Buyer - $100,000
e) Rehabilitation/Code Violations - $50,000
f) Hurricane Shutter Assistance for Elderly - $30,000
g) Grants to Non Profits Organizations - $126,255
h) Fire Department Mentorship Program - $20,000
i) Program Administration - $168,340;
4) Approved acceptance of limited access agreements for owners along 82nd Ave., to proceed with installation of 6' concrete wall, which is to begin July 11;
5) Approved a policy to not require transport of individuals by EMS to hospitals if they do not exhibit potential life threatening conditions or injuries;
6) Approved an agreement between the city and the Hills of Inverrary for local traffic control and public safety;
7) Approved donation of funds of $1,100 to each of the 6 Neighborhood Associations to help with projects and programs pursuant to guidelines set forth from the state. Funds are from the Local Law Enforcement Trust Funds
8) Reconsideration and approval the special exceptions considerations for the Central Regional Park. The reconsiderations were requested due to new issues brought up by the county and Broward County Commissioners, concerning prior agreements reached. Discussions took place relative to the cost overruns by the county on the park, and how it might be resolved in the future. The cost overruns are somewhere between $11 and $15 million, of which about $7 million is due to increased costs of construction.

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