Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Walls of Lauderhill Update

As most have noticed, the city has started the construction of the new concrete walls throughout the homes of Inverrary and on the West Side. Construction is expected to be another two to three months, and the funding came from the Great Neighborhood Bond completed in 2005.

While the walls are 8' along Inverrary Blvd. and along 44th Street (west of University). They are expected to be 6' along 82nd Ave. and 44th Street (east of University). To see a more specific map of the walls, e-mail me at: and I will send you a pdf file. It is not presently shown on the city's web page.

The wall that is presently off the list is the one along Pine Island Road. This wall, though funded, and agreed to be paid for half by the county, has been delayed due to the conflicts between the city and county. These conflicts relate to the design of the road, and certain timing issues. When more information is available the public will be advised. In the meantime, the city has put up temporary fences where needed.

Also, you may have noticed walls being constructed along the Turnpike. These walls will be running most of the length of the Turnpike, which is part of an expansion of the road. The terms of the wall were worked out with input for each city, the county, and with the approval of the Broward County MPO Board, of which the Mayor Chairs. It will shield all residential neighborhoods which are within a specified distance of the Turnpike. To see more information on this project: and


  1. This has nothing to do with walls but with property along the Turnpike in Lauderhill. It is my proposal that Lauderhill purchase the small strip mall at Oakland Park and 55 Avenue....a hot spot for police well as the condo community next to it. I further propose that the mall be leveled and replaced with a park and the condo community demolished except for the big clubhouse and pool and that this becomes the new Lauderhill park and aquatic center. Not everyone has or wants a backyard pool or the work and expense of maintaining one. This abandoned condo community has a huge pool and could be put to great use for the entire city. How about it?

  2. The condo alone would cost, I estimate, over $50 million, maybe $75 million, alone. I know the repairs are valued around $25 million. This purchase alone, if it was at all possible, would exceed the entire capital budget of the city over then next 5+ years. So unless there is a ground swell of support to specifically pass some form of new tax authority, it is not fiscally possible. That of course assumes, and I believe the assumption would be incorrect, that the people there would want to be bought out.

    I know the property owners have no interest because there has been investors interested in purchasing, but nothing has come from the inquiries.

    I understand the frustration, but I have been receiving updates on occasion, and it appears that progress has been made towards resolving the situation.

  3. It looks as if, on the 22 of August, that a new wall had already gone up on the west side of the Turnpike immediately south of Oakland Park Blvd. One must look fast when driving the 'Pike but it's lookin' GOOD! Those walls are super!
