Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Brief Notes From The City

The following are some brief notes of interest for activities occurring in Lauderhill:

1) The Unsafe Structures Board has been conducting meetings concerning evacuating The Villas, and having the property be repaired to make safe again.

2) The Central Regional Park is under construction, and we are still being told that it should be opened in November, 2007.

3) The City is completing the closing documents for purchase of Mission Lake Plaza.

4) Plans are being submitted for rebuilding the Lauderhill Mall and surrounding area. New construction will include about 2000 residential units, 600,000 square feet of retail and 400,000 square feet of office. The name is being changed to the Lauderhill City Centre.

5) The City has received audited financial statements from VCCC (developers of the All Americas Cultural Mall, which is the cultural facility part of Carishoca). It has been verified that they do have cash on hand, and have expended cash on design work. Pro forma financials for the project are expected shortly.

6) Stonegridge Garden Condominiums Section 1 thru 4:

a) Section 1 thru 3 are all working on making upgrades as now required by the code, i.e., electrical ground system, fire walls, plywood of 5/8 inch, replace all plumbing, resolution of asbestos issues. They are hoping all work completed in the next 6 months. Section 2 is in negotiations with their insurance company through their contractor's Attorney.

b) Section 4 has not had any repair work performed to the buildings in about 3 months. No work crews are present. A company was hired by the condominium to make repairs.

7) Discussions continue on devising a plan for redevelopment of the Old City Hall site on 55th Avenue.

8) Parks and Leisure Services Department reports the follow:

a) 100+ players participated in tennis lessons/matches at Westwind Park;

b) 32 players participated with senior softball at Westwind Park;

c) 55 children participated in bicycle educational and awareness day;

d) 92 participated in the 3 on 3 basketball tournament at West Ken Lark Park;

e) Intergenerational poetry luncheon was a big success;

f) Lauderhill basketball draft-teams selected. Program has expanded to now use Living Word Fellowship Church facility;

g) 80 participants in baseball program.

9) Officer Otis Lawrence was chosen Officer of the Year for 2006.

10) Victoria Murray, Support Service Aide II, was chosen Civilian of the Year for 2006.

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