Monday, April 16, 2007

Notes of Commission Meeting of April 12

On April 12, the Commission met, and the following matters of interest were discussed and acted upon:


1) Vendor Vehicles and Ice Cream Vending Vehicles Ordinance was table to a workshop.
2) Passed amendment of Franchise Agreement with Waste Management, increasing garbage rates as required under their contract which is common to all such contracts.
3) Passed a change in the code changing the name of "Local Occupational License" to "Local Business Tax," to be consistent with Florida Statutes.
4) Tabled to a Workshop an Ordinance to allow parking on city sidewalks. Concerns were brought up that the ordinance may violate federal ADA guidelines, and that this is a serious issue within the city with the lack of available residential parking. Additional information was requested to assist in resolving this important problem.


1) Approved the creation of an annual event to be known as the Florida-Caribbean Games to be held at the Central Broward Regional Park.
2) Tabled to a Workshop for further discussion and input by residents, at their request, the proposed alternative to locate the Central Broward East-West Light Right along Broward Blvd., and instead to Sunrise Blvd.
3) Approved recommendation of the Educational Advisory board to disburses funds of $2715 for Write Side Poets. The funds comes from the Education Grant Program Funds.
4) Approved CDBG reprograming of funds in the total amount of $283,316 to be geared specifically to emergency rehabilitation for very low income seniors (age 62 or older) and disabled. $100,000 is for First Time Homebuyers to enable renters to become first time homeowners. $150,000 is for the Elderly/Disabled Storm Shutter Assistance Program.
5)Approved the emergency lease of two 40 passenger buses for city use for 3 years. Five city buses are presently not operational.


1) Approved on second reading a Variance request by St. James Townhomes to locate the required 8' masonry wall from 5' from the property line, onto the property line.

2) Approved on second reading a Variance request by St. James Townhomes to allow a 8' decorative fence with columns on the west property line in place of a masonry wall.



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