Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mayors to Meet About Rising Foreclosures

Mayor Richard J Kaplan will be joining a select group of seven Mayors in Detroit on November 27, to discuss the concerns and solutions in trying to avoid further foreclosures, and to keep foreclosed properties from creating blight within neighborhoods throughout the United States. The rate of foreclosure is increasing nationwide and is especially hitting hard in South Florida. The meeting was organized by the US Conference of Mayors. Joining the Mayors will be federal officials, mortgage experts and lenders.

The Mayor's decision to attend was prompted by his prior work in this area through the US Conference of Mayors at their June 2006 meeting. His involvement can be attributed to him being an attorney practicing real estate and mortgage law with special knowledge in this area, plus the overwhelming concerns that foreclosures are on the rise in our community. The hope is to find solutions that will benefit our residents to allow them to keep their homes, and to avoid neighborhood deterioration.

For more information, please use the following links:,, and

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