Saturday, November 24, 2007

Notes of the Lauderhill Regular Workshop of November 19

On November 19, the City Commission met in a Workshop and the following was discussed:

1. Presentation by Martin Outdoor to put up bus benches and shelters throughout Lauderhill. (Requested by Deputy Vice Mayor Hayward J. Benson, Jr.). Lauderhill would eventually earn a few thousand dollars each year by the company selling ads. Commission consensus was to allow the Administration to continue with the city's plans for bus shelters, review the situation, evaluate other possibilities, seek community input (particularly from Homeowner Associations as to their interest), and report to the Commission.

2. Discussion of Ordinance No. 07O-10-156 which was removed from the Oct. 29 Regular Commission Meeting. This would amend the fee structure of the Water and Sewer Rates.
(Requested by City Manager Charles Faranda). A presentation was made. It showed that the proposed first time/one-time fee for new service would be increased to slightly over average for the region. Also, that a CPI index to the rate would allow for automatic adjustments to account for inflation. It would create a situation where budgeting could be easier for large condominium users so that they would know what the upcoming rates would be in advance.

3. Discussion on naming entrance road to the Regional Park (Requested by the City Commission). A few ideas were given and it was requested for the Public Arts Board and the ACT Board review over and give a recommendation. Public suggestions are welcome and can be submitted.

4. Discussion of an ordinance banning the wearing of "saggy pants" on City of Lauderhill property. (Requested by Commission Howard Berger) . The Mayor and remaining Commissioners decided that it did not support this proposal, though we agreed that we do not like the wearing of "saggy pants." After discussions with the City Attorney which felt that if we did impose it, that we could be expected to be sued in Federal Court, probably lose, and pay for attorney fees for all sides, plus the overall feeling that this is a parental issue, the consensus was not to pursue the concept.

5. Discussion of a business tax fee for Home-Based Family Child Care and the inclusion and the inclusion of large family child care home classification. (Requested by Commission Howard Berger). The City Attorney advised that the city ordinance was already being reviewed and amended so that it comes into compliance with state law.

6. Discussion of City Clerk who is retiring. (Requested by Mayor Richard J. Kaplan). The Commission decided to name the Deputy City Clerk, Andrea Anderson, to be the City Clerk. The item would be added to the December 10 agenda, effective January 2, 2008.

7. Discussion of LDR Amendment that site plan modifications for city-initiated development projects undergo major review. (Requested by Deputy Vice Mayor Hayward J. Benson, Jr.) . With some specific issues to be concerned with, the City Manager will draft some legislation.

Public Announcements and Notices. Mayor Kaplan: there are no regular workshops for December, January and February. Therefore, a special workshop may be called in the first part of January for needed items.

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