Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To You and Yours,

Chip-A-Tree Program Returns

County residents who are not sure what to do with the tree after the holidays are directed to the County’s Parks and Recreation Division’s Chip-A-Tree program. The free program encourages residents to bring their Christmas trees (no decorated trees will be accepted) to a participating park, where they are chipped and used for landscaping throughout the county park system. Last year, the Division recycled 10,561 trees, representing 132 tons of material that would otherwise have gone to landfills.

The program begins Friday, December 26, and runs through Sunday, January 18. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at various locations. Regular weekend holiday gate entrance fee will not be in effect for recyclers.

Chip-A-Tree Drop Off locations www.broward.org/parks/pr45.htm.

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