Saturday, December 27, 2008


Sponsored by the Coral Springs Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee
A Unique Workshop in Diversity ~ Community Values ~ Leadership

“A place to learn how each of us is different and discover how each of us is alike!”

WHEN: SATURDAY morning, February 14th to MONDAY afternoon, February 16th 2008

WHO: Approximately sixty students in the 9th,10th and 11th grade from public and private high schools in the cities of Coral Springs and our partner cities. A team of trained volunteer leaders from the community, the high schools and area colleges will direct the program.

WHAT: UNITOWN is a weekend retreat for high school students where they receive training and enlightenment on issues involving diversity, community values and leadership. It brings together a group of diverse high school students from many racial, religious and cultural backgrounds in a controlled setting to interact with each other with a carefully selected, skilled and equally diverse adult/student volunteer staff. Students who attend will be sharing experiences of their own culture, gaining a better understanding of other groups and preparing themselves for leadership roles in their schools and in our community.

PURPOSE: UNITOWN will train youth for effective leadership in a pluralistic democracy without bigotry or discrimination and without compromise of distinctive faiths or identities. The objectives are:

**To learn about prejudice and discrimination and the effect they have on others within our society;
**To achieve greater understanding and respect for one’s self through interaction with persons of different ethnic origins;
**To develop skills needed to help solve individual and group problems in human relations;
**To help students understand and respect cultures different from their own; and
**To give direction to young people’s convictions and ideas regarding society.

COST: Although the program costs $150 per person, the student is only asked to pay a $40 Registration fee, which will be refunded to the student upon attendance and completion of the Camp. This includes room and board for the weekend (including snacks), facilitators’ fees, T-shirts, materials, photographs and reception. The program is subsidized by funding as recommended by The City of Lauderhill Commissioners.

WHERE: Gold Coast Christian Camp is located in Lake Worth, Florida. The delegates will stay in cabins. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with snacks will be provided.

TRANSPORTATION: Bus transportation will be provided to and from the Camp for the Lauderhill student representatives.

QUESTIONS: Call Joy or Ruth at City of Lauderhill (954) 321-2450

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