Friday, February 27, 2009

What the Federal Stimulus Bill Means to Lauderhill

When President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, it provide funding for a variety of public projects. Monies, through several provisions, will eventually filter to the City of Lauderhill. They will be spent on specific categories as directed by Federal Law.

One of the sources of funding was through the Broward MPO. $41,000,000 was designated for transportation projects in Broward. The Broward MPO was required, in only a few days, to decide how to spend this money under very specific guidelines. The result was that $37,000,000 is allocated to a Dixie Highway flyover. The remaining $4,000,000 will be granted to Bus Shelters. Lauderhill has 5 such qualifying shelters. An additional $4,000,000 was also made available for traffic enhancement projects, which Lauderhill has until April 1 to apply for.

The problem the Broward MPO had was that if they designated a project which is rejected by the State, then those funds would be forfeited, and cannot be assigned elsewhere. So whatever project the MPO selected, they had to be certain that it would be approved.

Another part of the bill was to increase funding of CDBG. In the case of Lauderhill, on top of the approximately $800,000 we are expected to get, we will get an extra one time $220,000. Other potential source of funds which Lauderhill could receive is the Energy Conservation Block Grant, Firehouse construction funds, and police funding.

Since the law is so fluid, it will take a month or two to figure out what funds will be available. Also, it is expected that those funds are to be spent by the end of 2009. At such time that further funding is announced, this article will be updated.

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