Sunday, March 01, 2009

Dolphins Mock 2009 NFL Draft

Since everyone else is debating the next great sports question, "Who will the Dolphins Draft?" I thought I would chime in on the subject.

The Dolphins have the 25th pick in the 1st round, 44th and 56th picks in the 2nd round, 87th pick in the 3rd round, 121st Pick in the 4th round, and 153rd pick in the 5th round. There are more picks beyond the 5th round, but that is where you pick up some players that whatever is best that is left on the board, the "late rounds." Essentially its guessing by that time.

Where are the Dolphins critical needs for now, near future and 3 to 4 years down the line?

On the Defense:

Since the Dolphins have signed their Safeties, that need will be moved to the 3 to 4 years down the line. However, they still may pick up someone in the 3rd to 5th round. Cornerbacks are an immediate need now, and I think the Dolphins will pick up a CB in the first 3 rounds, plus possibly another in a late round.

Both Inside and Outside Linebackers are a near future need, so this is a definite in the first few rounds. Because it takes a few years to learn the position Defensive Lineman are near future, though the Nose Tackle could be now (1st or 2nd round).

On the Offensive:

Wide Receiver is both now and near future. Figure drafting one in the first 3 rounds (probably not the 1st round). The Dolphins have stabilized their Offensive Line with resignings and Free Agents, so, with the exception of the Center, they are a bit later in need. I figure a Center to be in round 3 to 5 (mostly likely not the 3rd).

At Quarterback, only a 3rd stringer is needed (and I am assuming that Beck will somehow be gone). Unless they find a QB like Pat White that may be also a WR, don't expect to see one picked until late in the draft. Running Back, Tight Ends aren't that great a need, but you never know. Considering the higher needs of the draft, look more towards the 5th and later rounds.

Kicker and Punters are probably going to be free agents since we don't have that many draft picks.

So what do I see for the first couple of picks. At the 25th selection there should be some potentially excellent talent. I believe it will be between Aaron Maybin-DE/OLB, Brian Cushing-OLB, Vontae Davie-CB, Peria Jerry-DT, DJ Moore-CB, Clay Matthews-OLB, James Laurinaitis-ILB, and Larry English-DE/OLB,. Notice they all play defense. Why? Cause we have rebuilt our offensive line, and for the value, there are some pretty good Wide Receivers that should be there in the next round or two. It is also possible they may trade this pick for another low 2nd round pick and a late 3rd or early 4th round pick.

My guess, if they don't trade the pick, is whoever is the left by the 25th pick in the order I listed is it. Now, if any of these players are left by our 1st pick in the second round, then I would go for them there. However, by the 44th pick, they all should be gone. If we do not pick up Peria Jerry-DT, then the 44th pick should be Ron Brace-DT as a need now pick. If they are not available, then Clint Sintim-OLB would be my selection if we have not already picked a OLB. Sean Smith-CB would be next if we hadn't already picked a CB.

The second pick in the second round is where I would look to my first possible Wide Receiver, Kenny Britt or Brian Robiskie, in that order. If they are not available, and we hadn't got a DT by this time, then Terrance Taylor would be my choice. However, Terrance could also be available at our pick in the 3rd round, so I might wait. The next value Wide Receiver is Juaquin Iglesias and he could be moved up to this point if the need is that great.

By the 3rd round it gets to be very difficult to project. Mainly it depends upon what we and others have already drafted. At that point, we look for the greatest need for what we haven't selected. Still on the board could be Victor Harris-FS/CB, William Moore-SS, Juaquin Iglesias-WR, Connor Barwin-DE/OLB, Mike Mickens-CB, Captain Munnerlyn-CB, and Fili Moala-DE/DT. I would put them in this order.

In the 4th and 5th round, the order would be Sammie Lee Hill-NT, Chris Baker-NT, Jonathan Luigs-C, Nic Harris-SS, Morgan Trent-CB, Daniel Holtzclaw-ILB, and Vance Walker-DE/DT for positions we haven't yet taken, or need some backup plans.

As we get closer, I probably will update my list. However, this is a start and I am sure others have their own opinions.

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